
Lichess 코치들

IM Gorbaev Lichess coach picture

IM Dusan Jovanovic

"I always felt sorry for people who don'n know how to play chess, because chess, like love, like music, has the power to make men happy." Siegbert Tarrasch

지역Kragujevac Serbia
언어English (US), Српски језик, Hrvatski
레이팅FIDE: 2380260325862217
시간당 비용lesson: 25 euros (27 dollars)
최근 로그인:
FM Fleetwood_Mac Lichess coach picture

FM Lovro Čupić

Accepting new students

지역Zagreb Croatia
언어Hrvatski, English (US)
레이팅FIDE: 22002508247925982009
시간당 비용25€
최근 로그인:
FM Mikasinskii Lichess coach picture

FM Mihailo Djokic

Premium Coaching program for (0-2200) Levels

지역Belgrade, Serbia Serbia
언어English (US), Српски језик
레이팅FIDE: 215827312504
시간당 비용1 = 60€ ,10 = 500 € , Free 30 mins consultation for people who are searching for long term coach
최근 로그인:
NM Genarovsky Lichess coach picture

NM Genaro Javier Alvidrez Aguirre

No importa qué tan talentoso seas. Tu talento te va a fallar si no estudias, si no trabajas duro y te dedicas a ser mejor cada dia.

지역chihuahua Mexico
언어Español, English (US)
레이팅FIDE: 1942236322132281
시간당 비용15 dlls la sesion personalizada.
최근 로그인:
FM Saqochess Lichess coach picture

FM Sargis Manukyan

For the last 4 years I have worked with students from 40 countries!!! I work in any time zone, come improve your level in chess with me!

지역Yerevan Armenia
언어English (US), русский язык, Հայերեն
레이팅FIDE: 221627262576253722492126
시간당 비용(1 hour - 20$) + Homework every time. E-mail: Whatsapp +37477757750
최근 로그인:
FM StoreySniper Lichess coach picture


Chessbase Author (The Sniper and The White Sniper) and Skype one to one Coach using Ryzen 3900x Super Computer to ensure best possible repertoire.

지역Gozo Malta Malta
언어English (US)
레이팅FIDE: 2300238323512402
시간당 비용£50
최근 로그인:
GM MalatiaGM Lichess coach picture

GM Levon Babujyan

От любителя до гроссмейстера. From amateur to grandmaster

지역Yerevan Armenia
언어русский язык, Հայերեն, English (US)
레이팅FIDE: 247126572598
시간당 비용1 hour-40$
최근 로그인:
GM Neel82 Lichess coach picture

GM Neelotpal Das

Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached

지역Kolkata India
언어English (US)
레이팅FIDE: 242522412536
시간당 비용Negotiable
최근 로그인:
GM gakashchess Lichess coach picture

GM Akash Ganesan

Quality is more important than quantity!

지역Chennai India
언어English (US), தமிழ்
레이팅FIDE: 249527802639
최근 로그인:
IM RenierChess Lichess coach picture

IM Renier Castellanos

Join our chess academy at

지역Javea Alicante Spain
언어Español, English (US)
레이팅FIDE: 25052828
시간당 비용50 EUR / 1h
최근 로그인: